NUFORC Sighting 89766

Occurred: 1962-06-01 00:00 Local
Reported: 2012-06-21 00:11 Pacific
Duration: minute or so
No of observers: 1

Location: Bartlesville, OK, USA

Shape: Unknown

childhood visitation 1962, possible implant, first sighting 1977. other sightings of craft on several occasions.

500 Lights On Obj

I was 4 or 5 years old. Nightime. I woke up and saw a small lightly glowing "person" standing in my toybox in my closet. I asked, "what are you doing?" Answer: "Go back to bed". So I did. Mentioned it to my mother the next morning and she said I had a dream.

Forgot about it until I saw Bud Hopkins book Communion in about the early 70's. The face on the cover triggered my memory and I confirmed with my mother that I had mentioned a little person in my room in the past.

I have a strange scar under my hairline in the back right side of my head with an amorphous fatty lump next to it. Again, asked mom about it and she cannot recall an injury to that spot of my head.

First sighting: august '77. Victoria, texas. Reported to a geophysical job and slept in my car in the parking lot on the outskirts of town. 3 a.m. cop wakes me up and wants to see my ID. Checked ok and told to go back to sleep. Couldn't. Laid my head out the car window to watch for falling stars, as it was a new moon night. Clear, starry night. A LARGE OR VERY CLOSE, gunmetal gray craft glided SILENTLY, slowly, directly over me. I didn't realize what I was looking at until I saw the glow of the city lights on the underside. The hair on the back of my neck stood up for the first time in my life. I went from skeptic to believer in about 5 seconds.

Posted 2012-07-04

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