NUFORC UFO Sighting 89488
Occurred: 2012-06-07 22:53 LocalReported: 2012-06-09 21:06 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1
Location: Marshfield, MO, USA
Shape: Disk
ufo on 18 wheeler
i was driving to work and i saw a line of government vehicles driving down the interstate with their lights on then there was 2 18 wheelers, one had a regular trailer on it and the other had a flatbed on it with a giant disk shaped object that took up both sides of the road plus a little then there was another row of government vehicles. i approached this around mile marker 97. it was something i have have never seen and it honestly scared me a bit. it kind of makes me think the government is trapping them for technology at least that is my assumption. i just want an explanation on what it was and if it was extraterrestrial.
Probably the U. S. Navy UAC, the X-47B, being transported to the Washington, D.C., area. Many news reports about the object. PD
Posted 2012-06-14
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