NUFORC UFO Sighting 89014

Occurred: 2010-02-01 06:00 Local
Reported: 2012-05-17 13:09 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Clovis, CA, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object

A bright gold light that zoomed toward me when I acknowledged it.

I have seen a UFO and I am so grateful. I believed in them all my life without proof or much mental debate. I just figured we aren't all that exists and if intervention ever happened, the entities sent would be from a material plane like ours so they'd need vehicles.

Then one morning around 6 am, I was heading outside to walk my dog. I sat on the bench near the front door to put on my shoes. I heard calm, deep male voice say, “Look to the South." I wasn't afraid or even questioned the existence of the voice outside myself but said dismissively, "I don't even know which way South is." The voice said just as calm and repeated, "Look to the South." I said "OK" and finished putting on my shoes and went outside. I went to the end of my driveway, looked up (which was actually North West but South might have meant up). There was a bright orange star. Brighter than I had ever seen. I thought, "There isn't a morning star in that direction. Wait is that a star?" and in that second it rushed down toward me and got as big as the sky. Its surface was moving like the sun. I was gold, orange and warm yellow swirling with “energy”. Then the instant I smiled at it in wondrous awe, it shot straight up and out of sight into the outer atmospheres and was gone. It left more North West than its current position so I saw it zip away.

Believe it or not, I had no initial response to the event. I turned south and went on my walk. I said out loud, "Gee thanks. “and then said,” You said HI to me". But as I walked I kept looking back to that spot in the sky and smiling to myself. As I walked along I replayed the three minutes over in my head and that is finally when ego began having a conversation with me about it. I wanted to question its purpose, origin, and meaning. But then realized it was just an acknowledgement of some kind and had no more meaning than those I placed upon it. I just accepted it as a personal experience.

The next two years were the most trying of my life; a complete destruction of all my ego attachments and ego identifiers. But whenever I felt very alone, confused, overwhelmed and frightened about the drastic changes occurring around me, I always remembered that I had a nod from whatever is "more" and could gently release my attachment to the outcome of so much change.

Posted 2012-05-29

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