NUFORC UFO Sighting 88979
Occurred: 1988-08-15 22:00 LocalReported: 2012-05-14 19:38 Pacific
Duration: 4 min
No of observers: 5
Location: Seabrook, NH, USA
Shape: Triangle
6 lighted triangles floating independently in a line moving slowly
On vacation in Aug of 1988. We were walking up and down the streets hanging out with other kids on vacation I was 18. We looked up over towards the power plant and saw red triangular lights or lighted triangles. They were in a line but floating slowly like they were not attached to one another but gently floating in a line. The triangles kept their angle with the points pointing down and a flat side on top.
We all ran back to the cottages we were staying in to tell the parents but when we went back outside they were gone.
I wold like to be contacted to know what they were or if anyone ever reported seeing them.
Posted 2012-05-29
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