NUFORC UFO Sighting 88760

Occurred: 2012-05-02 14:29 Local
Reported: 2012-05-02 06:14 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Harare (Zimbabwe), , Zimbabwe

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Circular object changed to elongated shape and back sighted in Harare Zimbabwe

Hi there My name is ((name deleted)), i live in Harare, Zimbabwe.

I have just seen a UFO. The time now is 14:43 pm, i saw the object at exactly 14:29 pm, i was looking at an Ethiopian Airlines plane that had just turned from taking off and i saw the object behind it!!!! It was really really high in the sky and changed shape a few times from being circular to being elongated, when it was circular it was white,pretty easy to see, when it was elongated it was a greyish color.

It was about the size of a star, it stayed as a circular shape for about 5 minutes, it seemed to move but it was so high that I couldn't see if it was moving, then it came a bit lower (it grew in size a bit) and it just zoomed off so fast and disappeared!!!!

My coordinates for where I live are Latitude = -17.8265, Longitude = 31.0632 I do not have pictures or video as it was too high, conditions were clear blue skies, no clouds in sight.


Posted 2012-05-13

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