NUFORC UFO Sighting 8821

Occurred: 1999-08-28 20:40 Local
Reported: 1999-08-29 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 1

Location: Granada Hills, CA, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object

Extremely bright flash lasting about 1 second from a pin-point in space. Lit up whole backyard. At about 20 deg due West from Zenith.

While looking up at the sky at 8:40 PM PDT viewing an aircraft with strobing white lights, I experienced an extremely bright white flash to my right lasting about 1 second from a pin-point in space that lit up the whole backyard. It was located at about 20 deg due West from Zenith (straight overhead). With my arm fully outstretched, this came out to be about five fist diameters from straight overhead and moving straight west. My right eye just happened to be centered over this spot in the sky and I was able to see the flash move from this pin-point of light to an adjacent star about five star diameters away to the south. I was facing southwest when this event occured. It may be my imagination, but I thought I heard a slight buzzing at the very moment of the flash. (You know how your mind simulates sound when it sees a sequence of lights? Well this is what I mean when it may be my imagination). This is the third time during the past two months that I witnessed such pin-point flashes coming from the sky. The other two occurred within a minute of each other and was just due east of Zenith at about midnight. I was looking out of my kitchen window at the sky (as I do every night during at the top of the hour during Art Bell's program) and I saw this flash. It drew my attention to look in this area closer and I saw another flash from the same spot. Since it has been about two months, perhaps this part of the sky is now 20 degrees due west of Zenith where I saw last night's flash. I will keep looking.

Posted 1999-08-30

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