NUFORC UFO Sighting 87934

Occurred: 1984-10-10 05:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2012-03-21 21:18 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Houston, TX, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

2 experience with unkown

It is happen so many eons ago, I am not sure about year: something between 1982 and 1984. I didn’t think that you would be interested, but as I listened to you on Coast to Coast I understood that I should write it down.

I was walking around 5am to the bus stop to get to my job and I usually took the shortest way to the bus using back door of my back yard. Back of my house was facing the bayou and across of that was just empty space (later on apartments were build there) As I started to walk I looked at the sky and saw full moon on my left across the bayou over the empty space. And something felt strange: moon looked reddish and was low, not up in the sky. And then I looked to the right of me, and there was a real moon in the sky! I suddenly was scared and run as fast as I could to the bus stop.

Next morning I decided to take a long way to the bus stop (it was a different stop and it would take me 10 minutes longer, but I would by walking by houses in the neighborhood). As I turn to one of the streets I saw a black van parked on the street in front of one of the houses and in near the van I saw 2 tall men standing and watch what I thought several children playing on the front yard; I am nearsighted so it took me sometime when I came near the children to see that it was not children, and either I blocked instantly what those beings look like or it was blocked from me. I was terrified from what I saw and I could not even describe it immediately when I happened. I started to run (in my mind I heard that they were amused my terror). I run all the way to the bus.

That is my 2 experiences which I want to report.


Witness indicates that the dates of the sightings are approximate. PD

Posted 2012-04-18

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