NUFORC UFO Sighting 87884

Occurred: 1994-03-03 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2012-03-20 11:36 Pacific
Duration: 6 hous
No of observers: 2

Location: Albany, NY, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

a repeat and endless loop of an object downtown suny albany campus

While a friend of mine was washing his downtown suny albany campus dorm room window he witnessed the object and ran into my room and directed me to watch out his window. At first I didn't see anything and felt a wave of embarrassment while I look back at him to detect any foolish prank and as soon as I looked at him he redirected again to watch out the window. His words were "keep looking".

So I turned back and a moment later the object recreated itself without any warning. a few second would pass and the object would vanish. Then the whole affair would repeat without end. A search for a camera return zero results, so without means to record or anyone to report we went out of the dorms and towards the object betting on a better view.

We followed the object until dawn and the morning light and walked back to home base. We never spoke of the events or bothered to look skyward again. Were we abducted? If we were "they" did a good job of it. In the morning hours! I remember seeing birds, that idea horrified the other witness. He said "It was not a flock of birds." No sound and maybe an outlined with small lights.

Years later I heard of a field trip just to witness this thing.

Posted 2012-04-18

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