NUFORC UFO Sighting 87851
Occurred: 1974-07-15 21:00 LocalReported: 2012-03-19 14:21 Pacific
Duration: 15 sec
No of observers: 2
Location: Ottawa, IL, USA
Shape: Unknown
I was amazed when I came to this site and looked up the date that I saw my strange encounter. Some one posted on the same date that they saw what I had seen, and that was a bright light as bright as venus screaming across the sky. First though meteor then bamm the thing stopped and where it stopped was next to two other lights of same brightness when all three where in a triangle formation they all turned due north at a 45 degree angle. That's when my friend and I freaked out. Being 18 and dumb still didn't explain the speed of travel and then stopping and then turning 45 degrees and going out of site. The 0ther similar story I read from gentlemen was from chicago which is north of us here in Ottawa. Best way to explain is a meteor that stopped. I still remember it like yesterday and it happened in 74".
Posted 2012-04-18
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