NUFORC UFO Sighting 87830
Occurred: 2000-08-10 20:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2012-03-19 06:29 Pacific
Duration: 10-?
No of observers: 2
Location: Bloomfield (Canada), ON, Canada
Shape: Disk
My daughter, who was appx. 13 years old at this time, and I had just arrived home from shopping. As we were entering our door, we were on the front porch, when she pointed right above us, and asked me "Mama what's that"? I looked up and right above us, appx 20ft, was a object, circular I believe now, because as we looked up, it started a light show. Lights went around the craft in green, white and red, amazing...I looked further into the sky and could see two other crafts further in the distance...well I dropped my bags, ran inside to get my video camera, of course it had no batteries, so I proceeded to call my cousin who lives approx. 10 miles to the southeast, they thought I was crazy....well I don't remember what we did then. Whether we stayed and watched it, went inside, etc...that part has been bugging me for years, I can't remember if I just closed the door on it...I can't believe that I would...and I have an excellent memory, but this evades me.
That's my siting, and it was amazing, just amazing. That craft was right above us, I live in the country. It put on a light show for us! My daughter ended up joining the military 7 years later, and nobody in our family has ever been in the military, and it's a big family. She always said she was going to be the Prime Minister of Canada one day...perhaps it was there for her....odd regardless and something I just can't forget nor she.
Posted 2012-04-18
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