NUFORC UFO Sighting 87814
Occurred: 2010-07-15 03:00 LocalReported: 2012-03-19 02:42 Pacific
Duration: 30-40 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Dyer, IN, USA
Shape: Orb
Glowing Blue Sphere 6-7 feet off the ground
I had let my dog out to go potty at about 3 AM that night. I opened the door and my dog went out. We have a motion detection floodlight in that area of our back yard, and it went on. My dog proceeded to enter the yard and do his business. During the time the dog was urinating a small sky blue glowing sphere, about 8-9 inches in diameter, came around from the rear of my garage. It proceeded toward us. I was standing in the door holding it open for my dog. It stopped abruptly and paused a couple of seconds, then blinked out. It simply, suddenly, disappeared. The dog was finished just then and I rushed him in the house and locked the door. The dogs back was toward the orb and he did not see it. It was totally silent. I peeked out the curtains and did not see anything at all. While it was paused, I noticed that it's glow was reflecting off of my garage siding. Our garage is separate from our house and there is a grape arbor about 12 feet away from the side of th! e garage. It flew between the garage and the grape arbor. It was about 6-7 feet off of the ground and stopped about 45-50 feet from my back door.
Posted 2012-04-18
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