NUFORC UFO Sighting 87790

Occurred: 2007-03-18 04:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2012-03-18 20:03 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Bethlehem Township, PA, USA

Shape: Diamond
Characteristics: Lights on object

This report is basically the same thing I seen. I was driving to work I seen 4 white lights on each end of the object with a large red center light. The left and right white lights were spread out wider then the front and rear white light. The object passed over my car. I heard no engines and no sound. It was heading in a north North west direction heading in the direction of the ABE airport. It was approx. 200 to 400 feet above me approx. 50 yard to 75 yards wide. The red center light was very large, and was bigger then the other lights. The outline was black and was barely visible. O am ex army, and a private investigator I thought it might of been some kind of UAV, but it was so dark out I was not able to make out the shape of the object only the lights gave a basic shape I was not able to video tape the object due to the length of time it was visible and the tree line blocking my line of sight once it past over me car. I posted a report the day it happen! ed on some website i think it was in the uk i was trying to google my report for the exact date and time but i was not able to find it.

Occurred : 3/18/2007 01:00 (Entered as : 03/18/07 1:00) Reported: 3/19/2007 6:12:13 AM 06:12 Posted: 4/27/2007 Location: Philadelphia, PA Shape: Triangle Duration:About 5 minutes I observed a triangular craft that had three bright white lights on each tip and a large red light in the center. it was very close and traveled moderately slowly. It was headed in a southerly direction and then circled around and went in a northern direction.

As it traveled,the white light at the forward tip blinked out.

I have experienced many sightings but never one this close.

I sky watch as often as I can.


Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD

Posted 2012-04-18

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