NUFORC UFO Sighting 87759

Occurred: 2012-03-18 01:00 Local
Reported: 2012-03-17 23:16 Pacific
Duration: an hour
No of observers: 1

Location: Monroe, MI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Light flying in from above, descending, hovering

I finally made some headway and got to see it fly in. I've been seeing these weird lights at night lately, and I've posted about them here before. I would like to clarify that it is neither a planet, nor a star because I actually saw it fly in. A green light flew down from above, and descended, moving around from side to side momentarily as if it was looking for where to stop, and then it stopped and just hovered in a location northeast of me.

I am on M-50, the ufo looks like it is up past North Custer road. Looking through the binoculars on a night that is becoming progressively more foggy, it is hard to see anything other than a green circular light. It has moved up a little bit from where it was before, but it is out there as I type this. I probably wont stay up all night watching it but it's been out there for a little over an hour.

Posted 2012-04-18

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