NUFORC UFO Sighting 87729

Occurred: 2012-03-16 22:00 Local
Reported: 2012-03-16 19:42 Pacific
Duration: 20 min
No of observers: 2

Location: Watkinsville, GA, USA

Shape: Orb

Orange orbs over Watkinsville

Standing outside on my back porch I witnessed an orange orb in the sky. It was a steady light. No blinking whatsoever. At first glance I thought it was a shooting star but it was moving too slow. I waited for it to get closer but it disappeared.

Then three more appeared and they were all weaving back and forth. Then went in opposite directions. Then the final orange orb came into view and ut was headed straight in my direction. It too started weaving then stopped still for about 10 to 15 seconds then just disappeared.

I stayed outside waiting for more but nothing came. I've never witnessed anything like this in my whole 36 years of life. I grew up on a military base and nothing like this ever happened to me.

Posted 2012-04-18

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