NUFORC UFO Sighting 8755

Occurred: 1966-07-31 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-08-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20min
No of observers: 1

Location: Douglas, MI, USA

Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object

saw craft hovering over corn feild. craft had two lights(red)one pulsating no sound also no insect of frog sounds craft left with incredable speed

a friend and band menber and I were returning from rock band practice when we saw a blinking red light which we thought was a cop. as we got closer we realized the light was not near the road but in a corn feild. we stopped the care and turned off the motor and discussed what those lights(we could now see second non blinking light) could be. the corn was "laid by" which means that to drive any vehical into it would do damage. no reason for any one to be in the feild. we were about 50 yards from the craft but it was a moon less night and no other lights in the area. I could see the cigar shape with each blink of the strobe like light. we heard no sound at all. the ditches were alwas full of water in this area so there was always lots of insects and frogs grand father lived about a mile from the site so I knew the area well. I was 18 and my friend was 17 at the time. after about 20 min, the craft rose into the air and started to move away slow at first and then all of a sudden it simply winked into the night sky. that is when my friend and I both yelled at each other"UFO!!" this one and only encounter changed my life and put me on a quest to figure out the truth of life and all I thought I knew about it. I now know what is going on and where we are headed so I have started an online book to tell what I know.

Posted 2002-11-20

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