NUFORC UFO Sighting 8743

Occurred: 1979-04-02 00:00 Local
Reported: 1999-08-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: West Milford, NJ, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Saw hovering near ground on side of highway huge saucer shape UFO.

My friend was driving me home from my sister's house, late, around midnight. The road was not lit in that area, and my friend had an old car,and was driving carefully,concentrating on the road. I saw some lights to my right, and looked out the window. At that time I didn't "believe" in UFO's. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was something so enormous, as large as a very long city block, or maybe larger. Much longer than high. It had lights around the edge, red and yellow. I remember tilting my head sideways and trying to tell myself "it's a radio tower that fell down", but it wasn't. While all this is going on in my head, my thoughts raced to form the right type question to ask my friend. I didn't want to tell him what I thought I saw, I wanted to hear him say what HE saw. So I said "Frank, do you see anything over there?" He looked out the window and said "Holy shit, it's a flying saucer, we're getting the hell out of here!" And that old Plymouth Valiant was floored and still, it took time to pass this object. It was on Rt 23 near a tall water managment or processing building of some type. It was hovering over the ground,just where there was a depression in the ground.It was so weird to see something this big and strange off the ground without a noise. Of course in 1979, people didn't talk about this stuff too much. I didn't know about missing time then, and don't think there was any missing time in retrospect, but I can't be sure. I know that this is an old sighting, but I think it was special because we were so close to the object, it was not far from the edge of the road.

Posted 1999-08-30

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