NUFORC UFO Sighting 87079

Occurred: 2012-02-05 20:00 Local
Reported: 2012-02-07 10:27 Pacific
Duration: about an hour
No of observers: 3

Location: Atlanta, GA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Bright object in sky

So during the super bowl on Sunday I stepped outside to smoke a cigarette and looked up at the sky as I usually do and saw the brightest what I thought to be a star. So I called my mom outside to see it. Well upon further observation I realized that it was not a star because it was a lot lower than any of the other stars. In fact, it was in the air space as many planes flew by it and it, I live in Southwest Atlanta off of Sylvan Rd. The object was moving at a slow pace and the thought of it being a plane was quickly dismissed because the light did not match the direction in which it was headed and there were no additional lights. The object was in my view for a good 45 minutes to an hour before it was no longer visible. I do have a video recording and picture that I will send as soon as I find out how to upload it from the camera to the computer.

On Monday 2/6/12, I saw the same object again also during the eight o’clock hour. I again called my mom to verify that she saw it and then called my aunt who lives a few blocks away, to look outside and see if it was visible to her. She didn’t see it so I went to get her so she could have a look and give me her thoughts of what it could be. She saw it and we presumed to follow it to try and get a closer look, but we were unable to keep visual contact due to the object moving and trees blocking the view. We did spot it again hit and miss with a clear view when we got to Cascade Rd.

The only reason I am reporting it is because we could not come to a consensus of what it could be and thought maybe someone else will help us figure it out.

Posted 2012-02-10

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