NUFORC UFO Sighting 87047

Occurred: 2012-02-05 21:15 Local
Reported: 2012-02-05 20:23 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Overland Park, KS, USA

Shape: Light

5 red lights moving up into the sky, flicker out.

Facing north we saw 5 lights moving up in the sky. As they reached a certain height, they flickered out, one at a time. The balls of light were red. They did not blink, but moved more like fire or a flare, but moved up, not down. As the last one faded out, an object moved closer by through the sky, silently, and moved all the way across the sky. It was balloon shaped and reddish pink in the reflected light of the parking lot and city lights.

Posted 2012-02-10

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