NUFORC UFO Sighting 8702
Occurred: 1999-08-15 23:18 LocalReported: 1999-08-19 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 2 secons
No of observers: 1
Location: Albuquerque, NM, USA
Shape: Unknown
An extremely bright flash of light lit up the sky and groud and appeared to travel from SW to NE.
I am ((deleted--aviation specialist in Albuquerqe NM. I was driving east on the north side of the city when I noticed a vert bright light begin in my rear view mirror and travel NE until the whole sky was lit up for about 1 second. My first thought was that it was as bright as nearby nuclear explosion would be. It began in the West or Southwest sky and traveled to the East or Northeast. No sound was associated with light.
For video footage of the event, captured by the Sandia National Laboratory sky camera in Albuquerque, please see the following URL:
Posted 2002-07-01
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