NUFORC UFO Sighting 86983

Occurred: 1984-03-09 20:15 Local
Reported: 2012-02-03 05:02 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Arvidsjaur (Sweden), , Sweden

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects

"Leadlight" with saucer behind.

This is a very old sighting. But it is more or less exactly what happened. I was 16 years old and cyckling to my familys home.The weather was about -10C,no wind and about a half meter snow beside the road. A clear and dark evening.When I started to pass our neighbours house I noticed a "lamp" one house behind our house,at the other side of the street. The light was about 1.5-2m above the roof. I just thaught it was an odd and strange position for a light.It is when I go up in front of our garage I realize that the light is moving,around 0.5m each seconds.It is mowing parallel to the street in my direction.Description:never pulsating or changing in strength what you could see,25-30cm high,10cm breadth,the core is bright white a little less clear white out from the core and just at the end around weak yeallow.It could almost go for a street light except I didn´t see any glas,reflektor or anything else material,it´s just the light.It doesn´t seem to shine so long o! ut in the air.My eyes go from the light to the front door and back.It´s just when I decide to go and tell other about it,I can see in the glimse of my eye that more is lightened up 50m away.First I think that some smaller lights has been turned on.But when I focus at the object I realize that it somehow, even if I can´t see it,must have been brighter.Because another object is shown around 1m behind the "lamp" to the right.What I see is a surface about 1.5 m in diameter. The color is very pale yellow but I think it´s the light doing that.Actually I think it is white in normal light. Seems like solid metal like an old oiltank not like aluminium.It´s not a shiny metallic object.It´s also possible that the surface is not completly smooth.I can´t see anything like bults welded parts or markings. It´s just the surface in one peace and it looks brand new. However I can see one thing.If I should describe it by it´s shape,I should say I say the under part of a saucer or more like a not ! so steep sour milk plate.I did see almost down to the bottom p! art(arou nd 1 m),but I belive that a lot of the upper part didn´t show.From front to back around I should say minimum 3 up to 5 m if it had this round shape like it seemed all around.It went at the same speed as the light so at that moment I thaught they were connected.After about 5 seconds I suddenly just see the light.I then got in and showed my parents and sisters boyfriend the light.It now pass the roof at the neighbour in front of us.Because it´s higher I think that the other object almost must touch the roof.It is so fascinating to see the light pass just like at an invisible road.It seems to go at the exact same hight(course) and doesn´t wobble at any time.When it goes from the next neighbour it suddenly change course 50 degrees from us(it was at collisioncourse with 2 trees 20m away) at the exact same time it starts to climb at the same speed or a little quicker.The light disappear from the eye at the next block 150 m up.2 evenings later I could see trees 30 m behind or neigh! bour house in front of us.I think that someone new that this was a very dark evening to "hide" the second object.

I never heard any sound from the objects.I clearly think that the light was very intelligent controlled. Today I belive that the light and "saucer" was 2 separate objects.It seems so since I could see the light all the time when the "saucer" should have blocked it at the end of the sighting and that it would have gone to close to the roof.

I don´t think anyone can tell me what I saw and for me this was the proof that UFO do exist.

Posted 2012-02-03

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