NUFORC UFO Sighting 86906

Occurred: 2012-01-29 23:35 Local
Reported: 2012-01-30 06:51 Pacific
Duration: 5 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: St-Eustache (Canada), QC, Canada

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

A solid green light crossed the sky in front of my eyes on a clear sky-ed night, at low altitude.

Yesterday night at 23h35 I was going to bed when I looked outside the window and saw a green light crossing from North to South, above the city.

It seemed to be travelling at a rather low altitude, maybe 100 meters above ground, and at a speed faster than a small aircraft, but not as fast as, let's say, a fighter jet.

I could not see the shape of the object. Just a green, solid light, that looked like it could have been a spark from a fireworks. It could not be that since there was only one, it travelled horizontally over hundreds of meters and only disappeared in the horizon, with a slight decrease in altitude, and light intensity.

I stayed in front of my window for about 20 minutes wondering what I had just witnessed.I am absolutely sure it was not a plane, due to it,s flight type and altitude. no one would dare do that with a plane. It was way fater than a helicopter and I would have heard it, whatever engine type it would use. It was late on a sunday night, not fireworks, it's winter in Quebec anyway. A green, solid light that only seemed to flicker when the object reached a far distance.

I have never witnesses anything like this before, and now I just have the hardest time trying to figure out the possibilities. I am not a naive person, and technologically, I am relatively well informed. I was not drunk, drug free and never experienced hallucinations in my life.

I am stumped and also very confused as to whatever this was.

Posted 2012-02-03

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