NUFORC UFO Sighting 86857
Occurred: 2011-07-07 22:00 LocalReported: 2012-01-27 17:43 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 1
Location: Osprey, FL, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Aircraft nearby
A train of cylinder ships emitting a holographic face into the atmosphere.
UFO sighting July 7, 2011.
I did not think anything unusual as I was taking pictures of the moon with a camera that I have, a Kodak M1063, when, I noticed in one of the pictures that there was the face of what appeared to be a grey alien, as if it were a large projection. This all seemed very strange, so I looked at the picture closer in a Photoshop program where I was able to enlarge and clarify the picture. What I found were several objects, most notably a very distinct large alien looking face just to the right of the moon. I also noticed what looked like a train of cylinder ships flying about the upper right crest of the forehead of the face, forming a semi circle in formation.
I know a little about hologram projections and I know that in order to create a projected image, one needs an atmosphere with most likely water particles, and a multi angular projection technique, which indicates that the cylinder ships in the photograph could have been projecting the image of this face into the atmosphere.
You can also see a Burr tree shaped craft, a Saturn shaped craft, (my camera, sadly, is not suited to astronomical photography) I will of course send the pictures, clean, and enlarged for detail.
I want to note that I did not see aircraft chasing the objects in the picture, but that night there were several silent aircraft criss crossing the sky with lights, what seemed to me to be military planes, as the local airport is closed at night, it is not a twenty four hour airport, and Macdill AFB is about a hundred miles or so to the north.
Posted 2012-02-03
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