NUFORC UFO Sighting 86854

Occurred: 2011-12-31 23:45 Local
Reported: 2012-01-27 14:25 Pacific
Duration: ten minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Sarasota, FL, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object

Orange-Red spherical oblong shaped craft flying in formation above DUI checkpoint shortly before New Year's eve.

UFO report New Years 2011-2012 About an hour or so before midnight on new year’s eve 2011-2012, I walked from the parking lot of a bar near the intersection of Clark Road and South Lockwood Ridge road, because I was having social anxiety too much to be comfortable at a small concert. My driver was refusing to drive me home, so I began to walk South on Nelson Avenue.

About fifteen minutes to midnight, I was walking East on Queens street and was almost at the intersection of Queens street and Tree Line Court, walking on foot, when I heard yelling from my west.

I immediately saw what looked like orange red glowing orbs floating from north to south in the air above where I was walking from. The glowing orange red craft were flying in linear formation, appeared to be like loose embers from a fire caught in a draught of the wind. Later on I found out that they would have been flying directly above a local police operation, a DUI checkpoint, and it seemed that they were openly trying to communicate with the police by flying directly above them and signaling in a very similar way to how the police cars were using their light array to flag down civilians who were suspected of drinking alcohol and driving or were driving faster than was the speed limit of that street, which is 45 mph.

I estimate that these craft were about the size of a mid size house flying from north to south directly above US 41 Tamaimi trail, and that I observed them from their east from where I mentioned above.

I had a camera with me in my pocket so I began to take pictures, which I will send with the report.

Again, to be concise, Orange-Red spherical orb shaped craft flying in formation directly above a congested area parallel to a police DUI checkpoint on New Year’s eve 2011-2012.

Posted 2012-02-03

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