NUFORC UFO Sighting 86853
Occurred: 2011-07-25 00:30 LocalReported: 2012-01-27 13:10 Pacific
Duration: 1 hour
No of observers: 1
Location: Osprey, FL, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail
Triangle Bell Saucer and other unknowns appear to dogfight above my neighborhood.
7-25-2011 UFO report.
At about half past midnight, I stepped outside of my front door to smoke a cigarette, when I noticed what I at first thought was a meteorite. This, in fact, was not a meteorite but the light emitted from a UFO flying triangle. I want to note that just before the sighting and during the brief sighting of the lights, which from what I already know about the craft which is a terrestrial reconnaissance craft, the sight of the lights would have indicated a necessary quick acceleration maneuver from a stationary position, and the lights themselves would be rocket engines.
I noted that the lights came from about the same space above where, during the previous day, had been a double ambulance emergency dispatch for reasons unknown by myself at this time.
The triangle accelerated to the speed of making a fast rotating blade through air sound" I also heard a shriek of what seemed to be a female voice saying, "Oh, no, why GOD!?," and a male voice shouting incoherently in a panic from where I just noticed just now the same area where an ambulance was dispatched to.
I immediately went inside to get my digital camera, a Kodak digital point and shoot (non-SLR) camera, model number M1063 10.3 mega pixels with 32mm-96mm (equivalent) and Kodak AF 3x Optical Aspheric Lens.
When I arbitrarily took a lot of digital stills of the airspace hoping to obtain some evidence of the activity going on overhead, I analyzed the digital photographs in Adobe photo shop CS5, and I was able to identify most of the craft which I saw. See attached photographs presented.
From what I was able to gather, I observed the TR-3B craft interacting with a Nazi Bell craft. I also noted that due to the presence of the Bell craft, that the saucer shaped craft was also possibly a Nazi craft, although due to the quality of the photograph, I was unable to clearly identify the exact model of the craft, as there are more than a dozen different saucer shaped craft and I can only speculate on the exact model. I also noted another variation of the Aurora program craft there, counting a total of at least two of them.
I also noticed that when I took my check from the U.S. treasury from my 2009 tax refund to cash it at the Wal-Mart customer service desk, a woman was there with what seemed to be a mild radiation exposure or sickness, with radiation burns on her face, and a hacking cough, she seemed ill, possibly had been in close contact with the craft, not sure of that story beyond that.
Also, I want to note the timing, and this should be double checked, of the ambulance dispatches to the house which required two separate ambulances yesterday afternoon, and the ambulance dispatch to the area of the neighborhood directly adjacent to the church in the neighborhood, the reasoning for the calls for help, and the situational awareness of those emergency calls.
I wanted to note that although I do not have a Geiger counter, I am curious about the Geiger count in this area as there was apparently profuse activity in the airspace last night, as this could indicate the residuals from their presence.
When I went inside to analyze the digital photographs, I noticed flashes of light through the blinds which may have indicated either evasive maneuvering between the TR-3B and the Bell craft.
Posted 2012-02-03
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