NUFORC UFO Sighting 86836
Occurred: 2012-01-25 18:22 LocalReported: 2012-01-25 18:07 Pacific
Duration: 3 min.
No of observers: 2
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Lights on object
four blue lights seen blinking in what seems like morse code by two kids.
On 1/25/12 ,at about 6:22 PM, me and my younger brother saw some light blue flashing lights towards the northeast. I was the first one to see them, and showed them to my brother. We noticed how they looked somewhat like Morse code. We started to walk home, and I continued to watch them. We walked past some houses, and then they disappeared. We went home, described what we saw, and he told us that we saw a cigar shaped UFO.
At about 6:50, we contacted the UFO center.
Posted 2012-02-03
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