NUFORC UFO Sighting 86822

Occurred: 2012-01-25 01:45 Local
Reported: 2012-01-25 07:29 Pacific
Duration: two minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Brooklet, GA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Very Odd event.

So last night I step outside and as always when smoking a cigarette I like to look at the stars.

So I look up and to the northwest and I notice what I think was a Plane but it had its lights on shining in front of it, not a big deal but as I look in front of it I notice another smaller craft with a red light that didn't blink.

I continued to watch because I was very confused and then it seemed the craft in front slowed down and it looked as if the two were going to have a collision but then it was like they were just one craft flying together and the light turned off in front of what I almost know was a plane.

But the other craft was not a plane, in fact from what I could tell (and could be completely wrong because of the time of night) it was almost a V like shape because it looked as if it turned slightly and I noticed like five small lights on what looked like the inside of the left portion V.

I don't know what it was not saying UFO but it was definitely not normal by any standard. I know commercial flights do not fly that close and there was no noise from either craft and they were low enough to where I should have heard sound.

Posted 2012-02-03

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