NUFORC UFO Sighting 86645
Occurred: 2012-01-17 11:45 LocalReported: 2012-01-17 09:12 Pacific
Duration: 15 min
No of observers: 3
Location: Palma (Spain), , Spain
Shape: Changing
a orange matalic craft changine form making it apear soft in nature aproxemetly 100 meters off the ground,traveling in a westerly direction over the mariner in palma de mallorca,no sound was heard,its velocety was around 10 km/h and changed altetude and eventualy direction to a east and eventualy faded in to the distance,it was wintnest by my self an enjerneer and the mate on a vessle next to us we observed the object through binoculers defanetly seemed to be tumbeling slowy on itself ,flatening out and warping .....alwas returning too a bean shape befor changing shape againg,the changes in shape were at a very consistent flows making it seem like it was soft...the sun reflected off the object a few time as it passed by giving it a deffanet orange metalic was no more tha 300m away when it first noteced it...
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2012-01-24
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