NUFORC UFO Sighting 86576

Occurred: 2012-01-14 11:50 Local
Reported: 2012-01-14 10:24 Pacific
Duration: <5 Seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Quebeck, TN, USA

Shape: Triangle

Clear sky daytime sighting of black triangle moving at extreme speed with loud sound and no contrail.

Daytime Sighting, Clear Skies. Black Triangle was spotted flying East to West at extreme speed. No contrail. No Exhaust. Altitude and size impossible to estimate because of lack of reference points. However the object was clear enough to clearly discern triangular shape. Triangle was not equilateral but more of a Isosceles triangle, longer front to back than wide. One or two vertical tails might have been present, but due to shortness of sighting this can not be confirmed.

Additional details: Walked outside to have smoke. Heard strange loud sound filling the air that is very hard to describe. Sounded like a very low pitched droning sound. Similar to a tornado warning siren winding down, but much lower pitched. Sound had no directionality at all. Looked up trying to discern source of sound and spotted triangle.

Triangle was moving at extreme speed and was over horizon in less than 5 seconds. Called for son who was inside house, but triangle was long gone before he made it out the door. However the droning sound was still very noticeable. He heard the sound before it dissipated, but never saw the object.

Apparent course of object from my perspective appeared to be about 275-290 degrees true.

Posted 2012-01-24

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