NUFORC UFO Sighting 86025
Occurred: 1991-09-27 01:00 LocalReported: 2011-12-23 21:38 Pacific
Duration: 6-8 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: San Marcos, TX, USA
Shape: Triangle
Giant V-Shaped Craft
On the morning just sometime after 1:00 am, September 27, 1991. In San Marcos, Texas I was stargazing. The sky was very clear, although there was no moon out that night, the stars could be seen clearly. I turned my attention on a star within the Southwestern part of the nigh sky, at this moment, The star seemed to just "go out, like a light". I couldn't believe what had just happened, and immediately this captured my full attention. just then, I began to notice the other stars to left of the star that seemed to have just disappeared a moment ago, also began to go out one by one from my line of sight. I began to strain my eyes to better adjust them with the darkness of the night sky. There were some street lights nearby, but they were behind me at the time, and did not have interference. As I stood there watching the stars seem to continue going out like lights one at a time, I took notice of a large black silhouette in the sky, all I could make of it that m! oment was just a giant black mass, shape still unclear. The unknown object was traveling South, then it began to tilt, and turned towards the south, southwest, now, moving away from me, at the time it tilted to the right, I then noticed it's shape. It was a giant "V" shaped u.f.o. It had no lights, no sound. It was just a black Silhouette, V-shaped craft. My guess would say it was about 300 yards long, and about 1-2 hundred yards wide. A huge craft! I was truly shocked, and amazed. I thought to myself it was larger than entire football stadium. It drifted silently a few hundred feet above the trees, totally silent, A capitol class cruiser. I don't know why, but this thought just came to mind; "A capitol class cruiser" . That night in particular, there was a new home improvement store opening on the opposite side of the highway from where I was when I encountered the sighting. At that time, there were two searchlights used as an attraction for the new building. To me, the c! raft seemed to be heading over the highway, as if to be attrac! ted to t he traffic on the road. But the way it suddenly pitched to the right, away from the highway, it now seemed to me as if it was trying to avoid the searchlights which were still in operation. I know what I had seen that night. And I know it was not man -made, and it was not from this world. I have spoken to only a few people about this incident. And it has been years since I have mentioned this to anyone since then.
Posted 2012-01-12
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