NUFORC UFO Sighting 85928
Occurred: 2011-12-16 22:18 LocalReported: 2011-12-18 10:52 Pacific
Duration: 4 min
No of observers: 1
Location: Tabriz, , Iran
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Changed Colo
observing a UFO on Tabriz Sky. IRAN (Picture and movie avalible)
I live in Tabriz, Iran (city Location is: 38°05'00.0" N 46°18'00.0" E I don’t say exact location because of some personal securities). On 11/16/2001 I went out to do an ATM transaction. But because of lost card number I ignored going bank. In this time I looked sky like ever (I like astronomy and observing sky) and see and I saw a big object with orange light in sky. I have some information about sky. That was not like moon so other objects like stars, planets, handmade balloons, aircraft and so helicopter (I will describe that why). First time I watch it I guess it’s a tower end light (light for prevent aircraft accident) but I know there good there was not any tower. So its altitude was very higher than any tower I could imagine. Because I was not ready to visit a UFO more than minute I just checking that. Then I decided to take a picture. I took one picture (setting mobile for photography takes time). After one picture I decided to set my phone camera fo! r take video. I started my video camera and look at its screen and so I didn’t see anything. (Later when I was watching my video I saw object was in video for some seconds with changing its lights. then object disappeared. I returned home and opened my pc, because of fogy sky I couldn’t see any space object like stars and others, so I had to use a good astronomy software named TheSky 6 when is see that’s screen I afraid because, software was showing that in north east of me was not any planet or moon. Jupiter and Uranus was in west of me. So magnitude of Jupiter was about 1/10 of object that I observed. It was not airplane because of it was in fix position for minutes. It was not helicopter because of no sound in quit night. It was not moon because of position so its size was about 1/5 of moon and moon didn’t rise yet. It was not handmade balloon because no (fire flicker) I know balloons. So when I watch video I saw color changing before disappear (orange to white and vice! versa. My higher option is a UFO.
I made a new email for some personal reasons.
Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no contact information. PD
Posted 2012-01-12
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