NUFORC UFO Sighting 8581

Occurred: 1999-07-26 22:00 Local
Reported: 1999-08-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: multiple times
No of observers: 1

Location: Spokane, WA, USA

Shape: Flash

Multiple lights on sequencial nights

On july 26th of this year,Iwas standing on my deck facing west and I noticed a light about 45 degrees above the horizon,roughly as bright as an aircraft beacon at 5 miles,orange in color,traveling faster than an aircraft but slower than a meteor but with no visible tail and in a straight line following a south to north trajectory.At arms length the light appeared to travel roughly 24"and simply 'blinked out'I stayed on the deck for 2hours more without seeing anything I would consider anomalous,(a satellite and a few meteors)However the light I had seen piqued My interest ENOUGH to send Me out on the deck every night since the 26th of July.I have been witness to a cornicopia of different lights I have never really seen before in My star gazing.There was a white light that showed characteristics of the orange light except for direction of travel and that the light flashed before it went out,and again,no visable trail,and the pulsed lights that would flash quite brightly in stationary, single and double flashes.these are bright flashes,and could not be mistaken with Venereal shimmering.I've sighted 9 of these lights in in 7 days

Posted 1999-08-10

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