NUFORC UFO Sighting 84641
Occurred: 2011-10-18 22:15 LocalReported: 2011-10-19 17:03 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Bothell, WA, USA
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object
I saw what appeared to be a flying saucer that glided over and past my car on my my way home from work at night.
I was driving home from work at about 10:15 pm. Upon turning from an intersection onto a straight away that led to my house, I saw a bright light up in the sky. I was confused as to what it was so I kept my eyes on it. As I was driving towards it, I realized that it was also coming towards me at a very slight slant. It started out as high as a plane might be, but I noticed it was coming closer than I first thought. I kept driving and the light was dimming slowly to where I could see that it had two blinking lights. One red light at the front and one green light on the back so I thought that it was just a plane. Problem was that it was too low, much smaller than an average plane and it wasn't making noise. When our paths met, it was a few hundred feet above my car and the bright light was gone making the shape of it evident: a disk. It hovered over, past my car and that's when I pulled over to freak out and try to process what I just saw.
I stared at the road in front of me for a second then turned my head to follow where it was going. I made a quick u-turn and pulled over on the other side of the street to watch it glide over the neighborhoods and that's when I decided to follow it, but it went over an area of trees with no road. After about five minutes of driving towards it, it was no longer in sight and I decided I needed to go back home to do some research on UFOs.
Posted 2011-10-25
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