NUFORC UFO Sighting 83432
Occurred: 2011-02-11 20:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2011-08-25 19:21 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 15
Location: Dubai (U.A.R.), , United Arab Emirates
Shape: Triangle
bright firey object in night sky over Dubai, UAE that moved irradically
My husband and I were having drinks on the 23rd floor terrace of the Jumeirah Beach Hotel on Jumeirah Beach Rd in Dubai, United Arab Emirates before having dinner at the inside restaurant. The city (land) was on one side and the Arabian Gulf was on the other. The moon was not full but it was bright and over the land side. It was dark and there were stars. My husband and I were sitting facing each other when he looked up and pointed at something behind me. He exclaimed "What is that?". I turned to look behind me and in the distance was a bright object higher in the sky than we were and below the moon and coming at us from the land side heading to the Gulf side. My husband said it looked like it 'was on fire' but it looked like a blurry bright object to me since I did not have my glasses on. He also mentioned that it looked odd, like a triangle. There were many others also on the terrace at the time and someone exclaimed "oh look, they are going to beam us up!! " So I assumed that others saw it too and were making a joke about it. I had my camera and my husband was yelling at me to take a picture of it. But I thought it would come out very good since it was so far away so I thought I'd wait until it got closer since it was heading our way. There was no flashing lights but it did twinkle, like a star would and it was fairly big in size. He kept yelling at me to take a picture but I kept saying "just wait it is coming closer!". But just as I said that it stopped dead in the sky, staying in its position for about 15 seconds, then darted away from us in the opposite direction but at the same latitude, it did not shoot up or down, just disappeared in to the darkness extremely fast. And it was gone! My husband was very upset at me for not getting the picture.
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2011-10-10
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