NUFORC UFO Sighting 83429
Occurred: 2011-08-25 08:25 LocalReported: 2011-08-25 18:46 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 3
Location: Herkimer, NY, USA
Shape: Light
orange bright light moving across sky chasing smaller bright white light
My wife and child and I were taking a bike ride going east down a long street. From the north came a bright orange light, maybe a fireball, but I did not notice any flicker or tail. It appeared the light was chasing a much smaller bright white light, which moved in various directions. The little bright light looked like a faint star in the sky but clearly moving. The big orange light seemed to follow but maintained it's overall southern course. I am certain I have never seen a light in the sky like this before. It appeared to go to slow to be a fireball like you see in videos. Clearly faster than a plane though. I am not good with distance, but the orange light was above the clouds and I have no idea how far away the little white light was it may have been at the same altitude as the orange light, but because of it's small size (very small) I could not tell
Posted 2011-10-10
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