NUFORC UFO Sighting 83411

Occurred: 2011-08-15 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2011-08-24 21:12 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Oakdale, CA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

2 Big Bright White Lights, Side By Side Round Shaped, With A Row Of Small Color Lights Down The Center

I was driving home from riverbank to oakdale on hwy 108 at aprox 10:45 Pm.

I noticed 2 big round, bright white lights side by side but apart from each other.

As I got closer and it only took aprox, 30 seconds to get closer, I was nearly under it. I looked up directly at it, It has a straight line/row of small color lights, directly down the center, In between the two big lights. It was no plane, It was no helicopter. I could not see a form or craft, Only the two big bright round lights then as I got very close, I seen the row of smaller color lights down the center, The color lights was from the front part of the bright white lights, towards the rear, And past the rear, About 5 or 6 smaller color lights. The colors was red, I think orange, I dont know if there was more colors or not, They lighted from front to back, slowly but consistant, On, Off one at a time. There was no sound that I could hear and the size of that should have had noise no doubt. Anyway I guess it was a mile up or less, Very close, I looked away after about 15 seconds to dial my wifes cell phone and tell her to look up But as I told her and looked back at it, ! It was gone. completle no where to be seen, It was totally black sky again about 10:45 Pm. My house was only about 1 mile from where I seen it. There was 2 or 3 cars back behind me, I noticed them after it vanished. I wounder if they seen it too. This this was like I was ment to see it ?. I know that sounds crazy!. I always believed in ufo's, Aliens with out a doubt, I just never ever seen anything like this. This was some type of ufo: I guarantee that....was it military, Maybe but why there.....and If it was military, Then They Made something out of this world. I am telling you this was no doubt in my mind a ufo: I am 39 years old and never seen nothing close to this. I alway's believed, Now I Know. Was this thing a actual space ship thing ? or A Monitor/Spy Thing ? . What was it.... Why did I see it....???? WOW....


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2011-10-10

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