NUFORC UFO Sighting 83378

Occurred: 2011-08-21 23:00 Local
Reported: 2011-08-23 10:10 Pacific
Duration: 3 hours
No of observers: 0

Location: Cashers, NC, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Documented fairly well with the camera and audio with possible ET encounter.

While on my way home from a friend’s house, I noticed a sphere overlooking Lake Glen-villelearn hovering at a low altitude. I quickly went home and got my girlfriend to ride a few minutes back up the road to a place that overlooks the lake. We have seen the sphere before two weeks ago our bedroom window hovering over the treetops making absolutely no sound and being able to change course at will. This time I had my camera charged and ready to go. After observing the sphere, we decide to get closer, so we returned back to our road which dead ends into the lake. I drove to the lake edge where I took additional footage. I had a small flashlight which I used to signal the craft to see if there was any intelligence or it would possibly get a response. We then returned home and after only a few minutes the craft was in site from our driveway.

I've been used to flashlight several more times thinking that possibly it followed me from the end of the road. I got addit! ional footage from my driveway. I noticed what appeared to be of red reflective light coming from the woods adjacent to my driveway. I believe there was possibly three ET observing me. I shine the light on and they would respond by moving out of the light. Although I could not get any good video because it was pitched black I did get some video and I did obtain audio. I left my video camera outside recording for about 20 min. and seem to have been able to get some audio from what I think were ET's in my driveway possibly. DDTs seemed like were only wanted to observe me possibly the whole experience was scary although the curiosity made me want to run into the woods} and possibly catch one. After checking with a few neighbors it seems that this area is a hotbed for siding. Even the people who don't believe in extraterrestrials believe that the objects are hovercrafts. I can assure you these objects are ET's. My camera will always be charged and I will be looking for more sig! htings.

Posted 2011-10-10

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