NUFORC Sighting 83357

Occurred: 2011-06-15 21:30 Local
Reported: 2011-08-22 06:41 Pacific
Duration: 5 min each time ( two dif
No of observers: 5

Location: Frisco, NC, USA

Shape: Formation

Evenly spaced low hanging silent, non blinking amber lights in an array on the beach at Frisco, NC on June 15, 2011

My sister in law, Brother, Niece and Nephew and I were on the beach in Frisco, NC (past Hatteras) at about 9:30 or 10 pm, right next to the Frisco Pier. The sky was clear, full moon and stars were visible. The temp was in the 70's and there was a slight breeze.

As we stood on the beach, I was standing with my back to the water, talking to my sister in law when suddenly, she grabbed my shoulders and turned me around; I saw an array of lights in the sky, low on the horizon; much lower than an airplane. The lights were amber colored, evenly spaced apart making a triangular shape and leading to a straight line. They did not blink or move at all. We looked at them for about 2-3 minutes then they started to blink out, one by one, in order.

About a half hour later, they appeared again; One light in the row appeared; then another next to it; then another, till there were 7. The lights were evenly spaced apart; just like before. There was no sound. The lights were over the ocean; about 30 degrees up from the horizon. It was completely dark out, other than the moon. We could not see anything but the lights ( no craft). What we saw is EXACTLY like what is shown in the picture of the lights taken on May 8, at 20:15 in New Bedford, MASS. (First page of your website). We had a digital camera with us, which broke, inexplicably, about 2 mins before the lights appeared.

Posted 2011-10-10

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