NUFORC UFO Sighting 8317
Occurred: 1999-07-13 07:45 LocalReported: 1999-07-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: New Roads, LA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Translucent watery appearance with waves like heat waves.
While driving to work this morning at 7:45 AM on the west side Mississippi River Road North, which paralles the Mississippi River and it's levee; Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what was thought at first to be a flock of large birds flying in a V formation, not an uncommon sight in this area. Upon looking directly at it, I saw an object which had a definate triangular shape, but transparent, with a watery, wavy appearance, like heat waves seen on the highway from a distance. The outer "frame" of the object appeared more prodominate that its' interior. The weather here has been rainy for the last 24 hours, the atmosphere, although not foggy, was heavy with humidity and misting rain. I observed the object fly in a silent sweeping motion across the sky, in an easterly direction from a sugar cane field across the River Road, across the levee and out of sight. It's altitude was approximately 100 feet, its speed was approximately 80-90 mph. It's size was approximately that of a midsized passenger airplane. I'm guessing about it's size, altitude and speed, however, it was plainly visable, although transparent, "a clear mercury look" . I even blinked my eyes thinking that I was seeing "spots", the object was still there.
Posted 1999-07-14
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