NUFORC UFO Sighting 82305

Occurred: 2011-07-04 00:05 Local
Reported: 2011-07-07 00:01 Pacific
Duration: approx 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Springdale, AR, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Orangish triangle shaped flying object in nwa on july 4th 2011 around midnight flying north

my husband and i were outside my back yard facing was around midnight and south at the park across the street i heard people still shooting fireworks i turned to walk to corner of my house (out back still) and saw they were huge displays of awesome fireworks so i hurried through my back door to my front door and was watching the fireworks at the husband stayed out back sitting at patio seats.all of a sudden a very large looking triangle shaped very bright orangeish around the whole object appeared flying from the southwest heading north.i have not ever seen anything odd of this nature ever.we live very close to xna airport which is northwest of our home and i see and hear airplanes every day and night.this object seemed to be lower and what seemed even odder to me was there was no with other planes seem to have noise in the was moving very fast.i ran back through my house to tell me husband hurry up and look at this orange t! riangle thing flying over our house.he turned his head to the left in the chair because i said hurry its moving fast.he said maybe Its an airplane and i said no it is NOT.IVE NEVER SEEN ANY PLANE WITHOUT WHITE FLASHING LIGHTS OR RED LIGHTS.THIS HAS AN ORANGISH GLOW ALL AROUND THE THING AND ITS WEIRD LOOKING.i see and hear planes every day and night and they all have red and white blinking lights etc.i kept my eye on it to see if it would be declining lower to fly towards xna and it did dissappeared and there werent any clouds.above us were stars..all around stars..i know i saw something and it was not a normal aircraft and i do not drink or do illegal drugs of any kind.i was wondering if anybody else reported seeing this in northwest arkansas on july 4th 2011 and if so did they report any others?i only saw one object and it was very bright all around the whole flashing lights or normal aircraft behavior.any ideas?? has bothered me since.if anybody ! would please email me to explain what this was i seen i would ! greatly appreciate happened so fast that i had no time to grab my phone to film.i wish i had my camera phone but hurried to get to my husband to get him to look at it.

Posted 2011-07-17

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