NUFORC UFO Sighting 82101

Occurred: 2011-07-01 23:45 Local
Reported: 2011-07-03 14:27 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Albany, NY, USA

Shape: Fireball

Glowing amber fireball hovering over Albany, NY 7-1-2011

On July 1, 2011, 11:45 pm, I got a phone call from my boyfriend (((name deleted)) for me to go outside because "There is something strange in the sky."

When I went outside, ((deleted--boyfriend)) was in his truck parked in the driveway, he pointed to the sky towards the east, when I looked in the direction he was pointing, about a ¼ mile away and a ½ mile up, I saw an amber glowing ball hovering. It was slowly moving closer so I ran inside to get my camera. When I returned outside with the camera it was hovering, about a minute later, it turned south and slowly faded away behind a cloud several miles away.

((deleted--boyfriend)) and I went back inside thinking it was gone. ((boyfriend)) went on the computer to look for information. After being inside for about three minutes, I went back outside, the object had returned to the exact location. It was hovering again; I screamed for ((boyfriend)) that it was back. The object hovered for about two minutes and flew south. As it flew away; the glow became dimmer and the light from the moon enabled me to see the craft, it was a gray rounded shape. It faded away behind a cloud several miles away.

((boyfriend)) and I waited about 5 minutes to see if it would return. When it didn’t, we went back inside the house. After about 5 minutes in the house we decided to go back outside. It was back in the same location again. This time it seemed lower and much brighter. It hovered longer this time for about three to five minutes, when we suddenly heard a helicopter approaching.

Off to the west about a ½ mile away we saw blinking lights of a helicopter hovering, at almost the same moment the amber glowing ball flew south quickly back into the cloud and the helicopter flew away in the opposite direction. We waited about another 30 minutes outside and the object never returned.

Posted 2011-07-04

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