NUFORC UFO Sighting 82098
Occurred: 2011-07-02 21:40 LocalReported: 2011-07-03 12:35 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 2
Location: Nucla, CO, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object
Red light over SW Colorado
July 2, 2011 UFO sighting during fireworks show.
A red light appeared behind and just to the right of one of the large fireworks flashes as it began to fade.
My first impression was that it might be a piece of burning debris from the fireworks but after about thirty seconds, it was obvious that it was a flying "object" (light?). The light moved to our right at what appeared to be an extremely slow rate of speed, eclipsing three to four degrees of horizon in approximately two and one half minutes.
Twice during this period, the object emitted a bright white light lasting approximately three seconds each. These white light pulses gradually built from a dot in the top center of the red light to a bright white light that overpowered the red light almost completely, then faded leaving just the red light again.
The light appeared to come to a stop, then began to fade away as if going directly away from us, in a few more seconds it was gone.
Posted 2011-07-04
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