NUFORC UFO Sighting 82096

Occurred: 2011-07-01 23:00 Local
Reported: 2011-07-03 11:12 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: McKinney, TX, USA

Shape: Circle

Sitting out in the backyard visiting, around 11 PM, daughter looked up in the sky and questioned what she was seeing? An orange ball of light appeared & seemed to fly, almost glide in the same manner as an airplane might, but the light seemed to fly very smoothly. The ball of orange light had a starburst effect at times.

For verification, daughter said to mom, look up quickly and tell me what you see. She said, I see it ... and the direction it was headed was Northwest (toward Hwy 380). We only spotted it for a short time & then the light flickered out once, then the second time, it completely went out.

Mom & daughter were so baffled -- the duration only lasted approximately 30 seconds. It never made a sound.

Since we live in a flight pattern to D/FW Airport, it was evident that this was no plane because about 5 minutes after spotting this UFO, an airplane flew over. The major difference was there were no red or white lights blinking like on the bottom of an airplane.

This was the first time daughter had witnessed anything like it! And there was no alcohol or drugs involved. And it was NOT fireworks (close to 4th of July weekend).

Posted 2011-07-04

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