NUFORC UFO Sighting 82053
Occurred: 2011-07-01 10:00 LocalReported: 2011-07-01 17:53 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute or more
No of observers: 2
Location: Riverdale, UT, USA
Shape: Circle
soft white or opaque circular object
I wanted to share another sighting I had today, and, the time is approximate on this.
I witnessed what looked to be an opaque white circular or spherical object fly northward, quite high in the late morning sky! I have submitted reports here before, so I always watch the skies over where I live, considering that there is an AF Base close by.
The object I observed, I would estimate, was possibly close to 18,000 feet or more, as there were scattered high thin clouds, and this object traveled above and behind these clouds! It traveled slowly, and almost seemed to come to a stop a couple of times, but always kept in motion!
I watched it for at least a minute or more. A co-worker was outside with me, but he was unable to focus on this object! What is worth mentioning here, is that this same co-worker also intimated to me, after the object had gone, that he had seen a similar object earlier this morning, maybe less than an hour prior to my sighting, traveling southward, high up, and going at a really fast speed, he estimated, to be at least as fast as a passenger jet, and maybe even faster!
The object I saw was going due north! There was no noise associated with this object, nor was there any vapor trails left behind it! And no flashing or strobe lights! At this elevation, it would be quite impossible to say it was a plane, because, even at ceiling limits of most passenger aircraft, one can still discern a fuselage of a plane, on a clear, sunny day! This was round, and moving slowly!
Posted 2011-07-04
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