NUFORC UFO Sighting 81747

Occurred: 2011-06-13 02:00 Local
Reported: 2011-06-13 00:34 Pacific
Duration: 30-50 Minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Bay City, MI, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

Very bright white light low over Saginaw Bay, MI.

This object first caught my attention because it was so bright I could see it through the closed blinds of my window. I live on the water of Saginaw Bay and this object was so low to horizon that I first thought it was some kind of Coast Guard boat because it had blue light as well as a bright white light.

When I first came outside to look at it through my binoculars the bright white light faded to a dark amber color it moved slowly out into the bay randomly flashing very brightly. It did not flash at regular intervals like most lights out on the bay, it behaved as if were on a dimmer switch.

When it began moving back inland I got more curious because that's a very strange thing for any watercraft out on the bay to do especially this late at night. It would move slowly out into the bay then back again several times.

This light was several miles away very low to the horizon and when at its brightest it was lighting the ground on the beach in front of m! y house.

Now the story gets more interesting, the light which moved slowly until now began moving at high speed out into the bay, much faster than any boat could move.

I woke up my Father at this point so he could come take a look at it also.

I went back to my binoculars and as my Father was walking out the object faded in brightness, again as if on a dimmer switch.

At this point my Dad and I noticed a helicopter flying out into the bay towards the direction of the UFO. The helicopter began flying what I assume was a search pattern in the area near where I had just seen it fade away. It did this for awhile then flew quickly north and back again to near where the object disappeared. and began to appear to search again.

The helicopter then flew away to the east, the UFO never reappeared. I should mention this object was also red at times including while it was moving at high speed out into the bay.

There was an obvious difference in the helicopter searching the area and! this UFO. The way it changed direction and sometimes appeared to hov er indicates to me that it was either another helicopter with lights I've never seen before or something unidentified.

The blue light coming from this object when I first saw it seemed to blink erratically, and from then on there were no blinking lights on the object.

Posted 2011-06-20

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