NUFORC UFO Sighting 81627
Occurred: 2011-06-02 20:55 LocalReported: 2011-06-02 19:11 Pacific
Duration: 6 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: St. Charles, MO, USA
Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Moving, green orb over St. Charles/St. Louis, Missouri
This evening, June 2, 2011, while sitting at my second floor office window at my computer, something caught my eye which turned my attention away from my computer screen to the upper corner of my window. A small, green orb of light was traveling through the sky, from South to North, at a relatively high speed. The light was not a clear point of light but rather looked as if it were traveling through clouds or a mist.
The part that I found odd is that I live directly under the flight patterns of my local airport, which call for the planes to land or takeoff from east to west (as they are doing this evening and right now as I type this report). The object was high enough that I could not make out what it was yet was low enough that it would have interfered with the flight airport flight patterns.
There were no blinking lights or sound to accompany it.
The object continued overhead until it disappeared over the tree line from across the street.
While it very well may have been a "falling star" or small meteorite, etc., the direction and interference with the air traffic certainly caught my attention and has caused quite the commotion in our household!
Posted 2011-06-03
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