NUFORC UFO Sighting 81170

Occurred: 2011-05-07 21:11 Local
Reported: 2011-05-07 19:18 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Toronto (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Comercial Pilots' report to Toronto ATC of unknown fast flying formation, as heard by me on airband radio

This is not a personal sighting, but a report of a sighting between Toronto Centre ATC (133.300 Mhz AM) and an Air Transport Pilot (Jazz 951?) as heard by me on Airband radio, while driving north on Hwy 400 in Toronto.

Only the Pilots side of the transmision was heard. Missed the inital pilots report, but continued: Pilot: "I am a hunter and I can tell you they looked like group of ducks- but ducks flying at 25.1 ?" (25,100 feet AGL) "It was pretty fast, whatever it was !" "I know this will sound wierd, but I've seen jets flying out of Cold Lake(Alberta) and it did'nt look like that" Pilots signal goes out of range and no longer heard.

Nature of conversation in quotes is from my brief notes taken while driving and memory (8 minutes before writing this report). I have no doubt that the pilot's tone of voice was one of consern and wonder and he seemed very baffled about not being able to identifying a strange looking object formation that flew very quickly by him at slightly higher elevation. He announced he was at 24,000 feet just before I lost his signal. ATC could not identify it either, judging by pilot respones.

This should not be difficult to research/confirm with Toronto Centre ATC. (133.300 Sector) Mhz

Posted 2011-05-12

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