NUFORC UFO Sighting 8113
Occurred: 1999-05-10 03:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-06-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20min
No of observers: 2
Location: Oak Ridge, NC, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
at apox. 3am I woke up to the dog going crazy and a strange hum.outside my father and I saw an object just sitting on the tree line
At aprox, 3:00am I was woke up by my dog barking we live way out in the country so asummed it was a opossum are somthing I went and got my shotgun and went outside when I got out there I heard this humming sound it was real soft and kinda like you felt it more than heard it you know. I thought maybe a transformer had blown so I went in and woke my father up. we went around to the front of the house and it seemed louder,and when we looked up, there it was just sitting there, a big black triangle right above the trees. I started to shoot at it but Pa said it could be miltary then it took off straight up and out of sight about 5 min later three military helicopters came over our house so low i could see the people inside. evey scince that night we have had helicopters flying around our house real low real late at night. A good buddy of mine said he saw somthing like what I saw too and i didnt even tell him about my experience. And as far as the military choppers they're all the talk of this quiet little town one landed in a field off highway 68 the other day we saw soldiers with M-16s jump out and run into the woods. Im a little scared to be typing this im not going to tell my name only that Somthing is going on out here in Oakridge N.C.
Posted 1999-07-05
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