NUFORC Sighting 81066

Occurred: 2011-05-01 00:55 Local
Reported: 2011-05-01 00:35 Pacific
Duration: three minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Pocatello, ID, USA

Shape: Light

I saw several bright red lights in the WNW sky that didn't blink and faded in less than three minutes from the time I first spotted the

At 12:55 A.M. I looked at the sky in the WNW and saw what looked to be a bright constellation similar to the big dipper, but it was in the wrong part of the sky to be the big dipper. The lights were about twice as bright as most of the stars in the sky and they has a definite red tint and didn't blink. They seemed to be moving slowly.

I went into the house to get my camera and turned out the porch light (that took about two minutes) when I came out to look again most of the lights had dissipated. The one or two that was left faded in about a minute. There is very little air traffic in this area, I know they weren't planes.

Posted 2011-05-02

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