NUFORC UFO Sighting 80857
Occurred: 2011-04-12 22:00 LocalReported: 2011-04-13 08:11 Pacific
Duration: A couple minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Rosamond, CA, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
UFO spotted in Southern California's High Desert
What I saw last night I saw 4 years ago in the Antelope Valley, CA. It was sitting there hovering like a helicopter but with no propellers of any sort, just a few yards off of the 14 freeway, maybe about 100 feet in the air. It had the brightest lights on each triangle corner (like white spot lights).
When we got closer to it we could see underneath had a triangular cavity that had lights running all along the sides of the cavity. We took the next off ramp to turn around and get a better look at it but when we got back on the freeway the object in the sky was gone. If it had been any type of plane or helicopter we would still have been able to see it in motion as it was leaving the area. The speed in which this thing disappeared was not any type of technology that is of this earth, that’s for sure. There was no sound that we heard coming from this object nor was the dirt on the ground below being disturbed in any way.
What I saw last night, again in the Antelope Valley, CA, had the same very bright lights on each corner defining it as being a triangular shape. I did not see lights lining an underneath cavity this time around. We were parked while the triangle shaped object moved closer to us. Just as it reached the point of being right in front of us, it changed direction in a split second. No airplane or helicopter can change direction like that without having to swoop around first so we knew this was not an ordinary earthly object. Just after changing direction it shot off at what I would say was light speed and disappeared into thin air. Again there was no sound that I heard even though the object was very low and not too far away from where we were parked. Without a doubt I know I saw for a second time, a UFO.
Posted 2011-05-02
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