NUFORC UFO Sighting 80691

Occurred: 2011-03-30 23:30 Local
Reported: 2011-03-30 21:36 Pacific
Duration: 1 hr
No of observers: 2

Location: Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby

Brightest lights moving in the weirdest patterns with a lot of plane and satellite activity around it.

I was driving home from dinner on a back road with my girlfriend when we saw the weirdest thing. The brightest LED like light was flashing over the western horizon. Then the flash turned into 3 flashes, each at the same time about a mile apart for one flash, and then back to the same 2 second pattern of one light flashing.

We both felt chills down our spines as we watched this spectacular event. There was no way this was a airplane. I have never seen lights this bright, and it would move like lightning.

We parked the car at a field and watched this amazing event. We then noticed a abundance of what seemed to be planes or satellites bunching around the lights.

We left the scene because it was cold out and we were freaked out.

Posted 2011-04-03

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